
Nov 11, 2012

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day, or as it was known when I was a child, Armistice Day.  I think it's also known as Veteran's Day in the USA.  Today is also my birthday.  I've always felt that 11/11 is a special day and when you meet others with this birthday they always seem to know what you mean.  Last year an old friend had her little girl on 11/11/11.  My birthday isn't quite that special.

So as I sip some lovely Champagne and eat ham and salad with my family for lunch today and cuddle my two adorable bubbas (oh and my hubby I suppose) I will think of all the Diggers past and present who serve our country to protect our way of life.

Thank you.

(Image from here)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Bree! xx (And yes, it's Veteran's Day here in the US today)


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