Jun 22, 2012

custom doona covers

As part of the baby bonanza that seems to be going on with my friends at the moment the lovely Dom asked me to make two doona covers for her impending arrival.

Now Dom is a very stylish young thing and I was a bit nervous about the whole thing!  But thankfully she had a very good idea of what she wanted and it was clear that we were on the same page.  We picked out all the fabric together at Spotlight and I set to work.

I was a bit naughty and the two relatively simple doona covers took me an absolute age.  I think it all just built up in my head and I was almost scared to start!  Does that ever happen to you?  Anyway I delivered the covers in the nick of time and Dom delivered beautiful Macey Rose about two days later (Phew!).

a very pretty owl panel which I just added borders and backing to

our masterpiece - I was really pleased with the results of this

Dom really likes bows but was finding bow themed things hard to come by.  I managed to source this fabric on the sly and added a big piece as the backing for the pink frilly doona

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're great! I especially love the owls.

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