Jul 29, 2011

family crochet blanket

It's amazing how when you start talking about things they then appear a lot.  Since talking about crochet and blankets with my friends and family, several never-before-seen and previously forgotten crochet items have emerged from the family closets.

Mum pulled this blankie out the other day that I remembered from my childhood.  I had forgotten about this blanket until Mum brought it out and sent it home with the Little Guy.

It is 10 x 10 Granny squares so I think my little blanket will be around the same size.  Although I'm not fond of the colours I still like having it around.

1 comment:

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

I simply adore the colours, so retro yummy & homey. I am snuggling down with your crochet DVD tonight, i've already got ladies lining up to borrow it (see what happens when you say "crochet" outload at the gym, my personal trainer & half the staff want to learn too. Love Posie

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